"Lost Posadas"

We had a few friends over for Los Posadas (Talbots, Carters, Fisher-Dunlaps) on Main Street. Since we were all too busy yakking and hanging, nobody actually SAW the procession with Mary on the Donkey.....but we did see the hundreds of people following afterwards. Too funny. We renamed the event "LOST Posadas".........(come to think of it, I don't know that anyone saw anything the LAST time we had a party for this either!). Oh well, fun was still had by all! Oh, and Bunny got to share his "stupid husband trick" by showing off his magically appearing television...

St. Charles 5-Miler, 2008

Donkey, Megan, Amanda and moi.

Time in Riviera Maya this past Spring

My favorite picture from Riviera Maya. Thanks, Dustin! (Amy, me and Margaret)

Birthday Celebrations

Greg and Amanda at the Rams home opener.
Mike and his large can of beans.

Both Mike and Amanda had birthdays recently. Here are the celebrations......or otherwise known as "time at the sheltered workshop".

Time in Idaho

Had a great time in Idaho at the Holders! Highlights include golf, Judee's huckleberry pie, the jet boat ride and "erase erase erase"!
Here we are hiking in the Cascade Mountains!
(l -r: me, Bunny, Jimbo, Judee, Pam and Tom)

"I don't trust people who don't drink"....Jeffrey Copeland (shared in a South Side dive bar on 9/26/08 after the consumption of many Bud Selects)